Now available Janine’s Destiny – Faith Creek Brides #16

Mail Order Bride: Janine’s Destiny is now available.
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Welcome to Faith Creek, a little town with a lot of heart. As more and more people flock to the wilds of Texas to make their fortunes and build a better life, this little town has been busy, forging romances, and building a community. But, Faith Creek is buzzing with gossip, and when a small town gets its teeth into something exciting, it struggles to let it go.
Janine Chivers needs rescuing. She has been turned out of her position as a governess, and there is no work in New York for her to take on. She needs to find a new position, and soon. But, will she have the courage to travel across the country and become a bride to a man she has never met?
Samuel Cleverley has a murky past, and a battle to try and clear his name. Losing his beloved wife Miriam has left him heartbroken, and with a young son, Ethan, to raise. He knows the boy needs a mother, but can he bring a woman into his miserable life, knowing he cannot offer her love, nor even a good name?