Mail Order Bride: Mayme’s Destiny’ is now available.
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Faith Creek has had its share of adventurers, and mavericks take their chances to create a new life. This little town is glad to welcome them all, and when the inhabitants truly accept who they are, it is wonderful to see love and romance blossom in their lives.
Mayme Galton has always felt a little like a fish out of water, not truly fitting in amongst the high society set her Uncle has tried to get her to enter into, nor being allowed to spend much time in Faith Creek where she would have been welcomed with open arms. Passionate and generous, she has spent much of her life trying to please everyone – including the parents who abandoned her. She wants her life to change and is prepared to take risks to make that happen, but will she ever find the love she craves, and deserves?
Daniel Harris has devoted his life to God, serving others as a missionary, yet longs to have a family and a place to call home. Always prepared to go where he is directed, and do whatever others deem to be best, he begins to realise that he has no control over his own life. Love can change a man, of course, can make him act in crazy ways – but will it be enough to make him forgive himself for things that happened in his past?